Nursery (Acorns)

Hello and welcome to our class page for Acorn (Nursery) Class. We are very happy to welcome our returning children and looking forward to welcoming our new friends over the coming weeks.

Important Information

Your teachers this year will be Miss Oliver and Miss McCormack and we have lots of exciting things planned for you to enjoy this term. Please take a look at our Learning Journey for more information.

The session runs from 8.40 am to 11.45 am. Parents please be prompt for drop off and collection times to support your child in settling back into their Nursery routine.

Please provide your child with a full change of clothes to be kept in school in a bag, clearly marked with their name, in case they need to be changed for any reason during the session.

As part of our Early Years provision the children will have access to both indoor and outdoor learning experiences so please ensure that your child is dressed appropriately for the weather and provide them with an outdoor/waterproof coat as well as hat/scarf/gloves as the weather begins to become colder.

The children are provided with a healthy snack each day such as cereal, toast, cheese and crackers, fruit, milk or water and we ask for a voluntary contribution of 50p a week to support school in this.

To see some of the wonderful learning that the children enjoy whilst at Nursery please follow us on Twitter and here on our class page.


Thank you as always for your support.

Learning Journeys

Download: Autumn Learning Journey [PDF]


Contact Us

Give us a call or fill in the form below and we will contact you. We endeavor to answer all inquiries within 24 hours on business days.