Liverpool Counts

Times Table Champions of St Anne’s


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Congratulations Anjola!

Times Table Songs

Bob’s Maths

Our school was hit by a mystery flood. Four classrooms were ruined, and Bob (our Site Manager) came into classes to show us his measurement equipment and set us some challenges linked to the cost of fixing them.


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RNLI Visit

During a visit from the RNLI, the lifeguards discussed the maths in their job. Thank you!


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Maths Buddies

A new initiative started this year, Maths Buddies aims to use older children to help younger children engage with and learn new maths concepts. All children involved so far have been amazing and we are very proud of them!


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Here’s what the Year 2 children thought of their experience with Reception

North West Three Maths Hub Project: Developing Mathematical Fluency in The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)

Since 2014, The NCETM (National Centre for Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics) and Maths Hubs have been working together to develop approaches to teaching for mastery within primary mathematics. This has been partly informed by the teaching of mathematics in high performing South East Asian jurisdictions. In 2016-2017 in collaboration North West Three Maths Hub, St. Anne’s implemented a new and innovative approach to maths teaching in EYFS. In line with teaching for mastery, significant time is spent developing deep knowledge of the key ideas that are needed to underpin future learning. The project has had a significant, positive contribution on the progress of the children in EYFS.


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North West Three Maths Hub EYFS Project Presentation to Parents

Download: Maths Hub Presentation to Parents [PDF]

Meetings with Parents

Positive involvement from parents/guardians is a key factor in a child’s education. When parents make a positive contribution to a child’s education, that child’s prospects grow. However, the opposite is true and a parent’s anxiety towards maths can have a negative impact on a child’s prospects. Fortunately, here at St. Anne’s our parents are committed to making a positive contribution to their child’s maths education. They have a positive attitude to maths, encourage hard work and resilience and always make an effort to attend meetings.

Introduction to the Bar Model for Year 5 Parents


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Year 6 and Year 5 SATs Preparation Meeting

Mrs Dade ran a workshop for Year 5 & 6 parents to introduce the new revision toolkit and answer any questions that parents have regarding SATs. Thank you to all the parents who attended, and if you have any further questions do not hesitate to ask!

Here is the SATs Revision Toolkit Introduced at the Meeting

KS2 Maths SATs Booster

Download: KS2 Resources [PDF]
Download: Letter to Parents [PDF]

Where’s the Maths in that?

Where’s the Maths helps children see the maths in real life contexts and everyday objects. This activity has proven to be very popular with both children and adults!


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Outdoor Classroom Day

As part of Outdoor Classroom Day, we had a focus on maths. Outdoor Classroom Day is part of a global campaign to celebrate and inspire outdoor play and learning in schools!


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Jurassic Park Maths

St. Anne’s loved meeting Sophie the T-Rex for STEM week. Sophie’s keeper told us all about her and talked about the maths involved in looking after a T-Rex and with dinosaurs generally.


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World Book Day Maths


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Calculating the Cost of New Playground Equipment

Mrs Dade required help from our Year 6 children to work out the cost of some new playground equipment. They were fantastic and used their reasoning skills brilliantly!


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Chen’s Challenge

One of our many enthusiastic mathematicians sets a challenge every month for another year group in school. So far he has challenged year 2, 4 and 6. Watch out children for the next challenge!


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Deep Dive Champion

As part of our ongoing drive to embed fluency, problem solving and reasoning into our maths curriculum, we have implemented the Deep Dive Challenge. This has been introduced to the children by Scuba Tom. A mysterious character who can’t problem solve, reason or explain his mathematical thinking! It’s up to the children to help him and become Deep Dive Champions.


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Maths Puzzle Boards

In Key Stage Two, we now have two maths puzzle boards. They will be coming to Key Stage One and EYFS very soon.


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Maths Working Walls & Displays

This year, we have tried to bring some consistency to our working walls. Each classroom’s maths working wall has a number line (linked to its year groups objectives), a Gattegno Chart, a Chilli Challenge area and a greater than/less than/equals sign poster. It is then up to the class teacher to add anything that is relevant to their current topic.


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Contact Us

Give us a call or fill in the form below and we will contact you. We endeavor to answer all inquiries within 24 hours on business days.